Love cars and technology? Four book series set for August release
The fruits of what has been an incredibly busy 18 months continue to bloom. I have four new children's books coming out in the fall through Capstone Press. The series focuses on cars and technology.
As I have been sharing with students during my recent school author visits and writing workshops, this was an incredibly challenging series for me to write. Unlike many people I know, I am not "into cars." My main goal is for my car to start and for the radio to work. I'm also not the most tech-savvy person you'll meet. I can hold my own, but when it came to explaining the intricacies of how a self-driving car operates, it was tough.
Fortunately, I have an amazing editor at Capstone (who, as a bonus, knows a lot about cars) and she did a fantastic job working with me to craft what I think is a fun, exciting, and informative series to teach elementary/middle readers about the technology behind vehicles.
The four titles will be available in hardback, paperback, and Kindle, and they are:
In the meantime, if you are a parent, teacher, administrator, PTA member, or student and you would like to bring my author visit program to your school, you can find more information on my website, Check it out, and give me a call (716-390-9203) or shoot me an email ( with any questions or to reserve a date. Now booking school author visits and writing workshops for the 2019-20 school year!