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About Matt

Matt began his writing career in New Hampshire, writing for a weekly community newspaper in 1995. But, his love for writing dates back much further. Did you know:
Matt wrote his first children's book when he was a six-year-old first grader at Woodman Park Elementary School in Dover, New Hampshire. He still carries that first book with him to each author visit he conducts.
Matt's first published piece of writing was a poem he wrote for his eighth-grade English class at Dover Middle School. The poem won a writing contest and was published in Foster's Daily Democrat. Click here to read about that experience.
Over the last 30 years, Matt has carved out a career that crosses over several areas of writing. His work includes:
More than 4,000 newspaper articles
Feature articles in more than a dozen regional and national magazines
More than 85 children's books, both fiction and non-fiction. You can see all of his books by clicking here for his Amazon Author Page.
Matt's writing has earned several state and national awards including:
Six New York Press Association Awards including "Best Column and "Best Feature" awards
His Sports Illustrated Kids book, Side-by-Side Baseball Stars: Comparing the Game’s Greatest Players, was selected as the 2015 Best Non-Fiction Book for Young Adults by the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)
Matt lives in New York with his wife Amber, his children Oliver and Zoey, and their pets Lola and George. Want to know more about Matt or have a question? You can email him:
Newspaper samples
Cover story published in Artvoice
Profile on Jerry Balone, Business First Newspaper
(2010 New York Press Association award-winning feature story)
Legally Speaking
(My Blog for Business First Newspaper)
Crash of Continental Airlines Flight 3407
(Legal update on the one-year anniversary)
Editor's Notebook--Red Light Cameras
(From my weekly editorial column in the Buffalo Law Journal)
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